
1979: After gaining experience and knowledge Worldwide Mr. Nico Van Wiltenburg formed
Interservice Trading in 1979

At that time the company was exporting mostly to the Far East, South America and the Middle East. The following two years were used to lay down the fundament of the organisation. In 1981 the company moved to Zevenbergen from where we constantly worked on increasing our markets.

1990: Starting to stock materials and added a QA/QC Department

As not only a trader but also stock holder, the character of our company changed and therefore
significant changes were required to suit the “new” organisation.
At this time the understanding of quality control due to additional specifications became more and more vital within the company and to our clients. Therefore we had to expand with a separate QA/QC department.

From 2000: We face the future with confidence

We face the future with confidence, based on the quality of our facilities, staff and experience, which has increased quite a bit recently.
In 2000 we’ve finalized and started to accommodate our current location.
From this Head-office and Warehouse in Zevenbergen (the Netherlands) we have stocks and a great but most of all competent team. We basically have all the tools in-house to do business world wide with the strength and competence that belongs to a world wide specialist and stock holder.